We are the first Clinical Trial Site Network in the Czech Republic and in the Slovakia.
WHY do we do what we do?
We offer a service to our physicians, patients and clinical study sponsors that changes the view of drug testing in the Czech Republic and in the Slovakia, mostly in outpatient care, and enables participation of a larger number of physicians and patients in clinical studies, while the quality and safety requirements are met.
HOW do we achieve this?
Our knowledge and active engagement in the study progress directly in the medical office allow participation of a greater number of physicians with various specializations in the clinical studies. We remove different types of barriers and minimize the administrative burden on the physician and their team in clinical study execution. Thus we increase the medical center capacity, quality and timeliness of data transfer. For the patient, the communication becomes easier and their questions are answered almost immediately. We innovate and are capable of managing changes. We make efforts to standardize, automate and digitalize our internal processes.
WHAT do we do?
In the medical centers of Clinical Research Center s.r.o., we make the process of development and testing of more efficacious drugs and medical devices more efficient while maintaining maximum patient safety.
Since 2016, we have been building a team of professional trained clinical study coordinators who increase the work efficiency of physicians and patient comfort by their services and knowledge.
We have formed and managed a network of selected physicians from various medical fields in order to ensure high quality elaboration and execution of clinical studies.
The cooperation of the clinical study center and a professional trained coordinator has many benefits for the physicians, the subject and the clinical trial sponsor. Together we work more efficiently.
We increase awareness of clinical studies, testing of new medication and new treatment methods. We answer the questions of both physicians and potential patients. We inform the public about studies recruiting patients.
In 2020, we founded CRC Home Care, a company focused on the organization of home visits of patients in clinical trials.

We offer a service to our physicians, patients and clinical study sponsors that changes the view of drug testing in the Czech Republic and in the Slovakia, mostly in outpatient care, and enables participation of a larger number of physicians and patients in clinical studies, while the quality and safety requirements are met.
M.Sc. Lucie Špatenková
Managing Director

We are a registered member of SCRS (Society for Clinical Research Sites), we attend international conferences and we are constantly learning. We innovate and improve our processes.
As a part of the certification audit in 2022, Alcumus ISOQAR has confirmed that the requirements of the above-mentioned ISO9001:2015 standard were met, both in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia.
In the field of clinical trials, Clinical Research Center is a supplier also for Charles University.
Clinical Research Center has been selected as the winner of the 2022 EEuropean Site Spark , which is the award for outstanding and innovative work of clinical research sites that introduce new and interesting ways of conducting clinical trials.
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We are a registered member of SCRS (Society for Clinical Research Sites), we attend international conferences and we are constantly learning. We innovate and improve our processes.
As a part of the certification audit in 2022, Alcumus ISOQAR has confirmed that the requirements of the above-mentioned ISO9001:2015 standard were met, both in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia.

In the field of clinical trials, Clinical Research Center is a supplier also for Charles University.
Clinical Research Center has been selected as the winner of the 2022 EEuropean Site Spark , which is the award for outstanding and innovative work of clinical research sites that introduce new and interesting ways of conducting clinical trials.
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We are a registered member of SCRS (Society for Clinical Research Sites), we attend international conferences and we are constantly learning. We innovate and improve our processes.

V rámci certifikačního auditu v roce 2022 bylo společností Alcumus ISOQAR konstatováno splnění požadavků výše uvedené normy ISO9001:2015 jak v České republice tak na Slovensku.

In the field of clinical trials, Clinical Research Center is a supplier also for Charles University.

Clinical Research Center has been selected as the winner of the 2022 EEuropean Site Spark , which is the award for outstanding and innovative work of clinical research sites that introduce new and interesting ways of conducting clinical trials.
Read more here..
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